A backer’s individual page will give you a quick glance at their pledge details as well as provide access to additional Crowd Control functionality. The data shown here is dependent on the progress of a backer through the Crowd Control system. This data will include information from the backer report, a direct link to the backer’s survey, and reward/add-on selection details.

Individual backer (more details)


Backer value

Pledge – backers pledge total

Add-on – add-on total

Total – pledge + add-on total

Reward code

Code – unique code used to track backer activity that is applied at checkout

Value – the survey value of the code

Survey link – direct link that can be shared to access backer’s survey

Edit backer information – edit backer name and email (see image below)

Generate new code – build a new survey for the backer

Resend original notification – resends the first notification template for the backer

Send reminder – sends a reminder notification to the backer