The manage backers page allows you to view backers by project, reward group, and more. You can get a quick glance of backer details on this page or click on a backer to get more specific insights and control.
Survey status – changes based on the progress of a backer through the Crowd Control system.
Setup pending – a survey has not yet been created for a backer.
Open – the backer has not yet completed their survey.
Complete – the backer has successfully completed checkout for their reward via Shopify.
Partial – The backer has completed checkout but has a partial store credit remaining.
Notification – changes based on the notification status with Crowd Control.
Setup pending – you have not yet created notifications for backers.
Not sent – notifications have not been sent.
Sent – the backer has received the first notification.
Reminder (x) – the number of reminders that have been sent to a backer.
Final – the final reminder has been sent.
Add-on – when applicable, the add-on total for the backer will be displayed here.