
Crowd Control is an advanced Shopify tool that, like an online store, requires setup to function correctly. The checklist below can be used to guide the process and confirm that all steps have been completed.

Add Crowd Control to your Shopify store here

Step 1: Create a new project in the app

Crowd Control can be used to manage all of your crowdfunding campaigns in one place. Each new Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Crowdfundr campaign that you launch should have its own project in the Crowd Control app.

Related articles:

Create a new project

Step 2: Import backer/campaign data

Crowd Control uses the data from your crowdfunding campaign to create and distribute surveys to your supporters. Since the value of each survey code is calculated using your store’s settings you will be prompted to make a currency conversion if your campaign data’s currency type is not the same as your store’s default.

Step 3: Review campaign data

All campaign data must be reviewed by you to ensure survey accuracy. The data you import into Crowd Control Pledge manager may have some limitations or inaccuracies based on the original project/platform details. Errors or inconsistencies can be corrected at this time.

Campaign items that do not require delivery to backers should use the ‘omit’ checkbox so they are not included in the store survey. Campaign items that you intend to ship using a single SKU on Shopify should be bundled together and renamed as a single campaign item at this time. If multiple SKUs will ship using a single campaign item then no adjustment is needed at this time.

The accuracy of the values and details specified in this step are critical for a correct survey experience. The information provided will be used to determine, in part, the following:

  • Cost of survey products.
  • Survey product quantities.
  • Survey product assortment.
  • The value of survey codes.
  • Shipping costs owed by backers, if any.

Step 4: Shopify product mapping

Campaign items as defined in step 3 are matched to products on Shopify in this step. All products requiring physical or digital delivery to backers should first be created on Shopify before moving forward.

Identical products with multiple prices (e.g. special pricing offered for early support) should only have one product created on Shopify. Using the tag survey for any product to be used within surveys can simplify product mapping within the app.

A single campaign item can be matched to multiple products as needed.


Product details should not be changed on Shopify after they have been mapped.

Step 4b: Price matching (optional)

Crowd Control Pledge Manager uses your store's product settings to calculate the value of the discount or gift card code sent to a backer. If you would like the code's value to be identical to what was paid during your campaign then you can use the app to match the price for any/all products. Price matching creates a duplicate of the selected product and makes the differently priced item exclusively available to the appropriate backers.

Click update prices to view the products available for price matching. You can (de)select any products to proceed. Suggestions for a new product title are provided but you can change the title to anything you want. This title will be shown to backers and can be useful for distinguishing duplicate items in your store admin portal.

Step 5: Design survey notifications

Survey notifications customized can be customized for each project to deliver unique survey links to backers. There are three different survey notification templates available: initial notification, automated reminders, and a final reminder. The following details can be edited for survey notification templates:

  • Sender name
  • Reply-to email
  • Logo
  • Subject line
  • Pre-header text
  • Banner image
  • CTA text
  • Button text

Related article:

Design survey notifications

Step 6: Building survey collections

Each pledge/contribution level from your campaign will be created as a collection on Shopify during this step. The app will automatically build these collections using the details from steps 3 and 4. Each collection will be preloaded with the products required for a backer’s expected survey experience.

Survey collections have three different sections with various editable details.

  • Base survey items
  • Campaign add-ons
  • Survey add-ons

Base survey items

These items are the default survey items for the pledge/contribution level as defined in steps 3 and 4. Any changes to the quantities, prices, or Shopify products in this section will impact this pledge/contribution level only.

Any product can be hidden from non-backers (i.e. regular customers) by clicking edit > exclusive. Products marked as exclusive are assigned a new product template on Shopify that makes them accessible only via the survey. Exclusive products are also hidden from store and search engine results. It is the responsibility of the store admin to ensure that exclusive products do not appear in regular store collections.

Items can be manually sorted here to the desired display order in the survey.

Campaign add-ons

Due to product mapping restrictions, campaign add-ons can not be changed. Items can be manually sorted here to the your desired display order in the survey.

Survey add-ons

All campaign add-ons will be automatically added to the survey add-on section for your convenience. Any product from your store can be added/removed from this section.


Survey collections should never be edited on Shopify after they have been created by Crowd Control.

Step 7: Customizing the survey template

Crowd Control Pledge Manager provides a customizable template designed to guide backers through the survey experience while promoting additional products for purchase. Typically, one template is used for all surveys within a project; once you have customized a template you do not need to customize the template for each pledge/contribution level. However, there is the option to customize three templates for your store.

The survey template comes with multiple sections and options that may or may not be relevant to your campaign. It is recommended that you view each section individually to ensure you get the most out of the survey experience.

Step 8: Creating surveys

The final step for survey setup requires choosing to send a discount or gift card code to backers for the selected pledge/contribution level. Discount and gift card codes have some strategic differences within the scope of Shopify orders and surveys for crowdfunding campaigns. Those differences can be explored by selecting the tabs under survey type overview.

Since surveys can be dependent on the shipping country for each backer, there is the option to preview the survey order using the different shipping countries for backers within this pledge/contribution level.

After clicking review, you can view the various details used to calculate the survey code value for backers within their designated countries for the selected pledge/contribution level. Please note the column titled ‘amount due at checkout’ to confirm the expected survey experience. The detailed review provides extra information from Shopify that can aid in evaluating the accuracy of the desired survey experience.

Step 8b: Handling exceptions (optional)

Backers with pledge amounts that are atypical for their pledge level — i.e. pledge overages - are segmented as exceptions when creating surveys. Alternative surveys can be created for such backers using the exceptions process. Exceptions can be ignored or have the overage added to the original survey value.

Step 9: Send surveys

Initiate survey delivery to backers according to their pledge level whenever you are ready.

Related article:

Send surveys to backers